Friday, January 23, 2009

Effective Communication Skills (Post #1)

I am an attention speaker and loves it when people listen to what I say. (Well, who doesn’t?) But sometimes, I talk too much. So much so, that I rarely listen. But I’ve learnt that being able to talk non-stop not only irritates the people around me, it is also probably impeding what I should be learning by listening instead. I believe that learning how to communicate effectively would enable me to be a better listener, as well as to omit the unnecessary things that I say. These skills could be useful for a lifetime, not just for use at the workplace, but also for effectively communicating with the important people in my life, my friends, my loved ones, without creating unnecessary misunderstandings.

I love pleasing the crowd, and I tend to exaggerate my words and actions, and this is going to be a bane when I come out to work and am unable to pass accurate information.

I believe that writing skills are also important to be able to convey messages to the point. It is of course going to aid me in my work life. But besides that, it can also allow me to share ideas through emails and even text messages with my friends more effectively.

Ultimately, developing good communication skills can only bring me more good than harm. Whether it is to clinch that job, to impress the boss or simply to communicate with a loved one, I believe that mastering the skill of communication could help me effectively achieve what I want.


  1. Hey Shuting,

    thanks for sharing honestly about the problems you face trying to communicate effectively. It reminds me of what I read for our upcoming tutorial about EQ and emotional skills - the first set of skills is about knowing ourselves and identifying our weaknesses, and I think you're doing that quite well. :) jia you!


  2. Hey shu ting,

    Guess we shared the same problem.. Back in secondary school days, I used to get really engrossed in talking that I forget to listen to others. But over time, i started listening more than talking. Anywayz, a nice post which I could easily relate to..:)


  3. Hi Shu,
    That was an enlighting post. It really enforces the point that acquiring effective communication skills would be an asset to us.

    It is a common perception that one should not dominate a conversation. However, I belief that such may not be entirely unacceptable, since a vocal person may help improve the dynamics of a group. After all, silence can be deafening. Still, the one controlling the conversation should be attentive to the responses of the others, possibly by deciphering their body gestures.

    I am also in agreement that good writing skills are a key component of being and effective communicator, be it in academic institutions or at a workplace. For instance, circulation of an ambiguous document may cause much confusion and even conflicts. Such may hinder a fluent work process. As a guideline, we could adopt the 7Cs to improve our writing skills.

    I'm sure this module will help us build up a cache of invaluable effective communication skills.

  4. A sweet, concise, straight to the point explanation about the importance of effective communication. The points you brought up a true, and your style of writing makes it easier for people to relate to it.(very much like ben's writing)

    I personally like your point about communicating with the people who are important in our lives. We concentrate too much about what we wish to achieve in life, and tend to forget the little important things. So ya nice of you to point out the most important thing about effective communication.

  5. Hi Shu ting,

    Firstly i would like to say, it takes a lot to come forward to admit o your flaws. However, its not really a flaw in my personal point of view. Speaking out aloud is something that many people can't do. Be proud that you can explicitly speak your mind and be frank about it. Listening is a must, however listening too much ends up making me confused on what i want. Strike the right balance and i am sure you can scale great heights. Communication gets you want yu want ultimately.


  6. Hi, Shu ting. This post is not a comment. I just inform you that my blog address is:

    I think there is a missing "e" after my name 'chenzhi" in your link. Never mind lah.

  7. Hi Shu Ting,

    I am the exact opposite from you. Sometimes I listen too much that I forget to speak. So I am trying to overcome this personal barrier of mine to open up to others as well. I am sure we can do it together. =) As a result most of my good friends are people who are generally more talkative because they need someone to listen to what they say. And I do not find them irritating at all, you are worrying unnecessarily! =) Though I did meet one or two before who talked as if the whole world revolves around them and had no interest at all in listening to what I have to say about myself. It is not irritating but just disappointing to me.

    You gave yourself a very good analysis and suggested very good solutions to your problems which I think is great. It is normal to want to please the crowd, but this does not mean that you will pass inaccurate information to them. =) And besides that, there are other ways to please the crowd other than exaggerating your actions and words. However, I believe that in life is that there is no need to please others, they will be able to see your plus points if you are sincere. Just be yourself. I am sure all your loved ones love you for who you are and not because you pleased them =)


  8. Hello Shu Ting,

    i'm more than happy to comment on this blog as i see you as someone who is sincere and forthcoming. Good for you to be true to yourself, and be bold about it in this age of superficiality. Great post!

